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Curriculum comune
Anno Accademico 2024/2025
Anno 3
Crediti 6
Ore aula 48
Settore Scientifico Disciplinare SECS-P/06 - ECONOMIA APPLICATA
Attività formativa A scelta dello studente
Ambito A scelta dello studente


Foto Massimiliano FERRARA
Responsabile Massimiliano FERRARA
Crediti 6
Semestre Primo Ciclo Semestrale

Informazioni dettagliate relative all'attività formativa

  • General Equilibrium Theory (Walras and Debreu approach). Exchange Economies
  • Non-cooperative games in the normal form. Nash equilibrium
  • Generalized games and Abstract Economies
  • Cooperative Solutions in game theory and economic analysis
  • Transferable and Non-transferable utility games
  • Core of Balanced games
  • The Shapley Value
  • The value-allocation for exchange economies
  • One commodity market games

Ultimo aggiornamento: 31-07-2024

  1. Anton Stefanescu: "Competitive Models in Game Theory and Economic Analysis". MIMEO, 2003
  2. Massimiliano Ferrara: "A Cooperative Study of One-Commodity Market Games". RISEC, Volume 53 (2006), No. 2, 183-192 
  3. Massimiliano Ferrara: "Equilibrio Economico Generale e Teoria dei Giochi". MIMEO, 2024

Ultimo aggiornamento: 31-07-2024

The Course has as its main aim the (theoretical and) technical analysis of the methods and main models useful for the study of the strategic interaction among (economic) agents, integrating the methodological and behavioral approach with experimental tests and considering both the interactions at both individual and applications to the study of market competition. At the end of the course the student: - knows the main concepts of equilibrium for the solution of competitive and cooperative games; - uses these concepts for the analysis of individual economic behaviour, for the evaluation of the strategic behavior of companies on the market and for the optimal design of incentive mechanisms. The course also aims to orient the student to the study of game theory for the acquisition of fundamental theoretical tools for learning "explainable" Artificial Intelligence (XAI)

Ultimo aggiornamento: 31-07-2024

Mathematical Economics, Mathematical Analysis, Business Analytics

Ultimo aggiornamento: 31-07-2024

Lectures, Laboratory activities at the Decision LAB, Seminars and Workshops

Ultimo aggiornamento: 31-07-2024


Ultimo aggiornamento: 31-07-2024

Written and oral examination

Evaluation criteria:

30 cum laude: complete, in-depth and critical knowledge of the topics, excellent language skills, complete and original interpretative ability, full ability to independently apply knowledge to solve the proposed problems;

28 - 30: complete and in-depth knowledge of the topics, excellent language skills, complete and effective interpretative skills, able to independently apply the knowledge to solve the proposed problems;

24 - 27: knowledge of the topics with a good degree of mastery, good command of the language, correct and sure interpretative ability, good ability to correctly apply most of the knowledge to solve the proposed problems;

20 - 23: adequate knowledge of the topics but limited mastery of the same, satisfactory language skills, correct interpretative ability, more than sufficient ability to independently apply the knowledge to solve the proposed problems;

18 - 19: basic knowledge of the main topics, basic knowledge of the technical language, sufficient interpretative ability, sufficient ability to apply the acquired basic knowledge;

Ultimo aggiornamento: 31-07-2024


Ultimo aggiornamento: 31-07-2024

Ulteriori informazioni

Nessun materiale didattico inserito per questo insegnamento

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Ricevimenti di: Massimiliano Ferrara
ORARIO DI RICEVIMENTO (dal 01 settembre 2024)
Il Prof. Massimiliano Ferrara riceve - previo appuntamento da concordare a mezzo email ( - di norma il LUNEDI’ e/o il MERCOLEDI’ dalle 11.00 alle 12.00 (eventualmente anche attraverso la piattaforma Microsoft TEAMS, sempre previo appuntamento concordato a mezzo e-mail)

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