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Green Campus Hackathon: Building Digital Solutions for SDG and Green Agenda

We invite you to participate in the "Green Campus Hackathon: Building Digital Solutions for SDG and Green Agenda" on 13-14 November 2024. This initiative, organized within the “INVITE” Erasmus+ project, aims to produce solutions that will transform Higher Education Institutions into sustainable and environmentally responsible places.

Why Participate?

  • Make an Impact: Your ideas could be implemented into the university’s strategic planning to enhance sustainable and green development, improving your campus’s daily life!

  • Collaborate and Connect: Create new collaborations, exploring new ideas and perspectives.

  • Recognition and Prizes: Showcase your skills, make a difference, and win exciting prizes (1st place award: 250 euros cash prize, 3 Mentorship sessions with the INVITE consortium for enhancing the winning idea development, certificate of winner, chance of winning the DigiEduHack global prizes in the “Beginner Award: Social Impact” category, 2nd place award: 150 euros cash prize and Certificate of runner-up).

What Will You Create?

  • Solutions must be produced in teams of 3-5 members affiliated to higher education institutions (students, teachers, young researchers, staff). Individual registration is possible for participants who are looking for a team.

  • The final project should be submitted ONLY in the form of a 3-minute pitch deck video presentation.

How to Get Involved?

Join us in shaping the future of sustainable and socially responsible campuses. Register for the Green Campus Hackathon now!

We kindly ask if you can help us spread this event among higher education students, researchers, teachers, and staff who might be interested.

Best regards,

The UniTO Invite team,

On behalf of the “INVITE” Erasmus+ Project

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